“Untitled” by Yassin Hag-Elsafi / “The Flower” by Jakob Womer

“The Flower”

Jakob Womer

yassin hag-elsafi

“Painting a Dream In a Night”

After “Awaking in New York”, by Maya Angelou 

The traffic light yells a

paralyzing, hallowed shriek. 

Cars stop parallel, 

simultaneously in front and behind one another. 

Some don’t

as they look up, seeing past the mechanical lives of 

Blue, Yellow, and Green.

Blue? Nevermind it.  

Passing the yellow light with just a second left

so they can view the constellation of stars, 

billboards, for half a second more.

The vastness of the night sky only competes 

with the radiance of a City enamored with dreams.

Color the stop signs a sunflower yellow

Or perhaps a boring, 

bland beige.