Senior Year by Hailey Cook / What Do You Mean, Grow Up? by Riley Borst (Senior Edition)

What Do You Mean, Grow Up? / Riley Borst

Senior Year

Hailey Cook

Senior year. Those two words can bring back so many happy memories and fill your mind with happiness. I probably won’t be able to have those thoughts later down the road. This year is supposed to be my last of everything for highschool. My last first day of school, last football game, last homecoming weekend, last spirit week, last prom, and then graduation. I won’t be able to experience my last of everything and it leaves me feeling empty inside. I know that in this time of life there are more serious things going on, there’s a global pandemic, people are dying and we need to take these precautions to be safe. Yet, am I allowed to be angry and upset? Am I allowed to be selfish for just a few moments? I started my last first day of school sitting at my desk staring at my computer screen. This is not how I imagined it to be. I won’t be able to enjoy that feeling of sitting in the stands at the football game having the time of my life with my friends making long-lasting memories. The feeling of getting all dressed up in our dresses and tuxes and going to prom with our best friends, will I ever get to experience that.