Our people diverse and beautiful by Nia Browning / Untitled by Matt Kablan (Black History Month)

untitled/Matt Kablan
Our people Diverse and beautiful
nia browning
Our people diverse and beautiful
Will emerge battered and beautiful
So many thoughts and ideas put together
Because as one, we’re so powerful
I want my kids to know that they can do anything
My future daughter can run around with her hair free
She can put on her rain boots and stomp in the biggest puddles
Laughing and dancing for the world to see
I want my son to dance with her
To know that he has my full support and trust
So that he knows he can tell me anything
And I would never look at him with disgust
My children will be whoever they want
Although I would want to keep them in a bubble
They will need to understand the ways of the world
And learn how to be humble
As much as I’d want to keep my children sheltered
From suffering hurt and pain
I won’t be able to protect them from everything
The prettiest rainbows always start with some rain