Denver by Annabella Britt (Senior Edition)


annabella britt

I dream of the dusty mountains ways away.  I wonder if they look the same after all these years. To see the burning sun and get the chance to reintroduce myself after all I’ve grown.  I want to paint myself in the colors of the sky, but I’ve grown weary waiting in the grey that surrounds me.

My memory has dulled what made it the most beautiful.

 I’m afraid I’ll forget its name, or for it to become a muted image in my mind. 

Stuck trapped on a fence between my interests and my cynicism.  Maybe in old age, I’ll visit again, but time passes so quickly here.  There is no use trying to reinforce tracks that won’t stay.  I’ve made them too strong against the ways of the world.  I was told to follow the future everyone seeks, but I am too stubborn to follow that cycle into death.  Instead, I choose to call out to no one, cracking my neck to watch the stars.  Please don’t forget me, as I once did you.  I settle for watching you in a quiet space with closed eyes.  I lay on the mountains, shining alone amongst the vacant sky.