“A Distant Utopia” by Rui Zheng

“A Distant Utopia”

Rui Zheng

Long walks down the Drum Tower,

Past the iridescent vendors.

It’s another day,

At that familiar place,

On the other side of Earth.

“Sorrows Over The Unknown” by Jillyan Connell / “Forgotten Memories” by Elena Hymes

“Forgotten Memories”

Elena Hymes

“Sorrows Over The Unknown”

Jillyan Connell

In sorrow’s depths, where shadows linger deep,

A heart adorned with hopes and dreams untold,

Within a womb, a precious life to keep,

Yet fate’s cruel hand, a tale of grief unfolds.


A silent storm that rages deep inside,

A love so tender, now lost, and none can pierce,

The ache, the emptiness we cannot hide.

A life unseen, yet felt so deeply loved,

A future dashed, a tale left incomplete,

A mother’s arms bereft, her dreams removed,

The pain relentless, never to retreat

But in the darkness, glimmers of a light,

A love that lingers, though the child takes flight.

Though sorrow’s weight may seem impossible,

In shattered dreams, a strength begins to rise,

For deep within, a flame burns indomitable,

A mother’s love, enduring, never dies.

In whispered prayers and tears that fall like rain,

Her spirit finds solace, though scars remain,

She finds a way to heal, to rise again,

To honor the life that brought her joy and pain.

“Okay” by Jenna Grinnell / Untitled by Kyle Valvo


Kyle Valvo


Jenna Grinnell

Okay this.

Okay that.

The stranger 

Asked me.

Are you okay?

The hardest

Question to be answered.

¨are you okay?¨

Cannot seem

To find the words

To describe 

The blankness

Of my.


Confined to

The darkest corners.

Of my lonely 

Canyon mind

The stranger stares.

Seeing no thoughts 

Behind my 

Confined blind

brown eyes. 

The stranger walks


Not allowing me

To confine in them

But to confine

In my mind. 

The Right Person by Vibhuthi Semsetti / Sunset To Die For by Mahimn Dave

“Sunset To Die For”

Mahimn Dave

“The Right Person”

Vibhuthi Semsetti

love love love
a beautiful thing we long to experience
it can be wonderful
or it can be painful
it’s a forever kind of thing
with the right person
it makes us stupid
it makes us happy
nothing will change that feeling
the feeling love gives you
but with the right person
if you’re lucky
you’ll find your person
the right person
i found mine
one in 8 billion
you feel happy, loved
something i’ve longed for
you feel emotions you never knew existed
all for one person
the right person
how could one do that to me
i was cold hearted
just how
could one person make me crack
but in the best way possible
thats when i know
he’s the right person
the only right person

Misty Morning Lane by Nirvana Monsur / Unknown by Sophie Froehlich


Sophie Froehlich

“Misty Morning Lane”

Nirvana Monsur

During the morning of Misty Morning Lane, mist filled the air. It was as if an enveloping cloud fell from the sky. The bright porch lights illuminated the dark sky. The blinding sun was no longer blinding.

Chills shivered down her spine. The thick air intoxicated her lungs. The fog stung her eyes. The mist had led to misty thoughts.

At Misty Morning Lane, mist filled the air from dusk till dawn.

Untitled by Ella Bagchi / Untitled by Erika Petersen


Erika Petersen


Ella Bagchi

Cold, thin air whisked through my nostrils and sliced across my face like the blade of a grim reaper. I could feel my toes numbing as I trudged upward in the snow. Gusts of snowy wind howled in my ears like a haunted chorus of wolves. The storm threatened to throw me off the mountain, into the sharp rocks so far below. I felt the storm and my own fear like liquid fire in my bones, seeping into my shivering veins. Jetstreams of ice pelted my eyes, making them water. My legs burned, but I kept climbing, fighting the unstoppable forces pushing me back. I kept climbing through the treacherous terrain ahead of me. I kept climbing the mountain, carrying the fear in my soul. I kept climbing because I had to. And then, suddenly, everything stopped. The howling wind became a soft murmur, a memory of what it once was. Sparkling snow fell sparingly and gracefully in calm flurries. My body ceased to burn, because I had stopped climbing. I had reached the peak of the mountain. I inhaled the fresh, still air and took in the panoramic postcard around me. The aggressively gray sky had melted into a serene blue that touched the majestic mountains surrounding me. A river weaved through the mountains, glazed over with a veneer of ice. I was enveloped in a surreal, freeing silence. Warmth bubbled in my heart up into my face, and I smiled uncontrollably. Frozen in time, I had never felt so warm.

Sprinkled Donut – Desiree Bailey / Sprinkled Doughnut – Jakob Womer

Sprinkled Doughnut

Jakob Womer

Sprinkled Donut

Desiree Bailey

A donut without sprinkles is just a frosted donut

a donut with sprinkles is a kids favorite order. 

Drizzled in strawberry flavored frosting

purchase a twelve pack and you become a hoarder.

Coffee on the side to compliment your donut 

all together you have a morning idea of a meal.

Add some sugar to the cup and you have some taste

Put them together and you may seal the deal.

To start off your morning class you get an idea of it

A morning that’s calm and is filled with excitement.

Soon you look down to see that your smile is gone

Your teacher has just handed out your next assignment.

The Pretend Princess – Katherine Condon / Soda Shop – Alicia LaBarge

Soda Shop

Alicia LaBarge

The Pretend Princess

Katherine Condon

the soft flowy nightgowns

going high on the swings

these are two of my favorite things.

curling up by the fireplace

warm mug in my hand,

watching snowflakes fall from the sky onto the land.

running down hills

watching cars 2 on rewind,

lying down on the couch trying to unwind.

twirling and spinning

always statins on my shirt

hearing birds sing while I play in the dirt.

designer dresses and clothes

wooden toys handmade in germany

counting the stars, never knowing how many. 

being chased by the moon

staring up at the sky

sitting at the park watching birds fly by.

baking cookies with grandma

watching curious george

drives with my grandpa, me shotgun in his porsche.

ballet, tap, and jazz

singing some tunes

always awaiting for the month we call june

“guess how much I love you?” 

my mother always asked,

“to the moon and back I” say, looking back on the past

now that I think about it, 

I remember that song

that song my dad sent me before he passed on,

now I can’t just do I must think and think,

for anything I do might make my heart sink,

not from the movies, books or shows, 

but from the name calling of the people below,

sitting high in my tower all on my own,

wondering how I came to be alone.

the window bursts open,

a bright light shines in,

“come on, what are you doing?” she says with a grin.

i sigh, and slouch.

“it’s the end of my childhood, now the fun stops.”

I look back at the set with all the old props.

She smiles at me and says: 

“not the end but a beginning, i’ll help you out”

and she did, without a doubt.

she made me smile and laugh,

new times began,

making new memories just like back then.

yes times are fleeting, 

I won’t disagree, 

but accept some new greetings and you’ll be just like me.