“A Dream Called Hope” by Isabel Fowler / “Nurturing” by Lucy Lee

A dream called hope

Isabel fowler

Our Hope feeds our Dreams 

Like the muse feeds the artist

Like the sky feeds the bird

Like the sun keeps us alive 

Hope is a lightness

Centered in your chest

That expands 

And contract with every second

We breath it in and out 

Our breath has been stifled 

Blackened by the same smog blocking our light

Suffocating us

But I still feel Hope

I still feel Hope

I covet it,

Smuggle it

Hide it under my pillow at night

Hold it tight to my chest

The Hope

That one day,

I will see children and not mourn for them

For the life they’ll never have

The life robbed from them before they ever reached the cradle 

But Hope 

It’s the best type of flowering weed

Growing in the sidewalks

Up concrete walls 

Out of the ashes

But Hope

It’s a prayer whispered 

When a babe is born

A blessing given 

In hard times

A cry in our chest

Carried across the world 

And a heart that beats 

We will change this

nurturing / lucy lee